Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I don't do PIGGY'S........

Here is a teeny tiny sneak peek of many more photo's from the engagement session of Jamie and Tyler. Tyler is my husbands brother and I am thrilled to be adding such an amazing sister in law. Doesn't she have the most amazing eyes? She is a great friend but has about as much patience as a 4yr old...HA! So, Jamie, this is for you. Enjoy! I hope it holds you over for a couple of weeks :) Watch for them in the next few weeks to come. And learn more about the post title. Tricky way to keep you comin back, right? Yeah, I'm kind of smart like that ;)





  1. Love all of them Jamie you look amazing and Steph what fun and creative pictures....you amaze me every session you do.

    Love, Mandy

  2. Love, Love the Barn picture! How cool! Such great work Steph!
    - Mattea

  3. Yes I have to agree her eyes are amazing.....LOVE, LOVE,LOVE!!


  4. Someone said to me today, "you're so photogenic". I started thinking about it. I've never considered myself photogenic and I think a lot of people don't consider themselves photogenic. What I do believe is...there is something special in Steph that helps her capture those great pictures you see of every single person. She truly makes you feel beautiful, comfortable and totally at ease. Thank you Steph


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