Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lucas Phillip | The Birth

This is the story of Baby Lucas and his entry into the world, told through photographs. THIS. RIGHT. HERE. is what photography is about. A story. A feeling. A moment in time that you will never get back. I was induced to have my wee baby boy on Friday. I will try hard to leave the story to be told without my words as much as I can (forgive me in advance..... I am one proud mama and its hard not to talk about it). The wait...... File0005 File0008 File0016 File0020 File0021 ......the joy. For those of you who know me, know that we waited a long time for Elyse and an even LONGER time for #2. We prayed for a sibling for Elyse every day. When our prayers were finally answered, we could not have been happier. Well, until the anxiety set in. HOW could I love another child like I loved E. How could he ever compare to her. How. And then he was born. And my heart doubled. File0146 File0037 File0026 File0027 File0033 File0032 File0041 ....the world welcomes you Lucas.... File0045 File0043 File0051 File0052 File0058 File0057 One proud dad..... And I could not be more in love with him than I am right now. File0071 File0073 File0078 File0079 File0082 File0086 File0087 File0090 File0094 File0095 File0107 File0108 Lucas, meet big sister. She already loves you more than you could guess. File0109 File0112 File0115 File0116 File0117 Do you see anything missing from this photo? A name maybe? File0128 File0118 File0121 File0136 ...still deciding on that name. Baby did not look like any of the names I kind of had in mind. Until I said Lucas. My heart fluttered. Phil looked up the meaning and it said "Bringer of Light". I sobbed. Yes, bringer of light he was. And so he became Lucas. File0143 File0133 File0131 File0142 File0150 File0148 File0151 File0153 File0154 File0157 File0164 Big Sister even got to spend the night one night in the hospital. Note the jammies :) File0166 File0169 File0170 File0171 She loves him. Just a little ;) File0172 File0173 File0179 File0176 File0182 File0184 File0188 File0192 File0194 File0196 File0198 File0200 File0204 File0206 File0209 File0213 File0219 And off we go to introduce you to the world. File0225 File0223 File0226

My Own Little Corner

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