Thursday, September 8, 2011

Where has the time gone...??

Last week I took my baby to her very first day of Pre-K. The baby who has been home with me every day for the last four plus years. And let me tell you, it was not easy. Elyse? Oh yes, Elyse was ready. She did amazing. On the way to school she asked me, "But mom, if I don't want you to leave, will you stay?" Of course, my child. Of course. But the minute we got there and she saw all of the girls that she had already made friends with, she was off. She did wonderful. Even though I always say, I do good with the roots, its the wings I struggle with. Me on the other hand? Hardest day of my life. One side of me could not be more proud, more happy, more excited for my baby bird making her first flight. To watch her take off and not look back. The other side, heart broken, worried, scared. Heart broken that I have had four years with this sweet child and yet, I feel like it has only been one. That I will miss her immensely. Two days a week or not, its not easy. Worried, that I have taught her the things she needs to know to make that first flight. That I have given her enough. I think as a parent, you are forever feeling guilty.... have I spent enough time with her/him.....played enough....built up their spirit enough. And scared that time is slipping away faster than I want it to. I remember when Elyse was first born, my dad looked at Phil and said, "Don't turn around. Before you know it, you'll be walking her down the aisle". And although we have a long way until that point, I can already see what he meant. We went from this........ going to pre-k, overnight.
Thankfully, I know she is in great hands, and it is time to watch her soar. I must end with a quote that I found....and I am making this promise, RIGHT NOW, to my baby(ies). Busy or not busy........“If I had my child to raise all over again, I’d build self-esteem first, and the house later. I’d finger-paint more, and point the finger less. I would do less correcting and more connecting. I’d take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes. I’d take more hikes and fly more kites. I’d stop playing serious, and seriously play. I would run through more fields and gaze at more stars. I’d do more hugging and less tugging.“ - Diane Loomans................. ***(Photo credit of the pro newborn shots goes to the lovely Karen Solverson @ Valley Visions Photography. Karen, if you are reading this, THANK YOU for capturing some of the BEST times in my life!!!! You are wonderful!!!)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dane & Jenny | Married - LaCrosse Wedding Photographer

What a lovely wedding with two lovely families!! Jenny and Dane were so great to work with.....Jenny being one of THEE most laid back relaxed brides I have ever met. She could have cared less where her dress went and was just really cool and collected the entire day. It turned out being a warm day and they were both agreeable to stand in the blazing heat. Jenny and Dane, I wish you all the best in the future! I had a BLAST with you both!! Dregne_006 Dregne_008 Dregne_017 Dregne_026 Dregne_033 Dregne_050 Dregne_062 Dregne_068 Dregne_073 Dregne_076 Dregne_079 Dregne_082 Dregne_085 I love the look on Danes face in this one. He is definitely "wowed" at his brides beauty!! Dregne_090 Dregne_100 Dregne_103 Dregne_127 Dregne_153 Dregne_159 Dregne_169 Dregne_192 Dregne_198 Dregne_206 Dregne_209 Love a proud big sister Dregne_222 Dregne_232 Dregne_237 Dregne_253 Dregne_264 Dregne_280 Dregne_319 Dregne_326 Dregne_332 Dregne_337 Dregne_355 Dregne_371 Dregne_379 Dregne_392 Dregne_433 Dregne_435 Dregne_445

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